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School History


The Angsana rises

The Angsana, a common wayside tree, was systematically and extensively planted in Singapore in the early years of Singapore’s history – in the late 1960s and 1970s; as part of the Garden City Campaigns. Today, Angsana trees can be found around the island, lining and gracing important roads, including Orchard Road.

The Angsana tree was introduced to Singapore in the early 19th century. This beautiful tree can grow up to 40 m high; it has a dense, dome-shaped crown with drooping lower branches. Indeed, it provides very good shade. The wood from the tree is said to be one of the best furniture wood. Parts of the tree are used in native medicine.

Angsana Primary School is a merged school formed from the former Qiaonan Primary School and Griffiths Primary School in 2015. 2015 was also the year when we celebrated Singapore’s 50 years of Independence, a very special year for our nation and for our school. We are an SG50 school.

Like the Angsana tree, Angsana Primary School aims to live up to the usefulness and beauty of the tree which it is named after; and will provide the shade under which generations of good citizens will be nurtured and groomed for the future.

Qiaonan Primary School (1933 -2014)

Previously named Kiau Nam School, Qiaonan Primary School was founded by the Wenzhou Clan Association in 1933.   From humble beginnings in a rented house in Lorong Koo Chye, the school expanded and moved to Lorong Tai Seng in 1938, and then to Paya Lebar Road in 1940.  When World War II broke out in 1942, the school was forced to close down.  After the war, the school was rebuilt by directors, teachers and alumni and reopened in October 1945 in Paya Lebar Road.  On 1 April 1957, the school became a government-aided school, and in 1984, became a full government school.  In 1985, Kiau Nam School merged with Pulau Tekong Primary School and was relocated to 15 Tampines Street 11, where it was officially renamed Qiaonan Primary School.

Griffiths Primary School (1950 -2014)

Originally named Towner Road School because of its location, Griffiths School was established on 1 June 1950.   Griffiths School was the first of 90 schools scheduled to be built under the plan to provide free and compulsory elementary education.  The school was named in honour of Rt. Hon. Mr James Griffiths, then Secretary of the British Colonies, who officially opened the school.  The school was run in two sessions with two different Principals, with the morning session known as Griffiths School 1 and the afternoon, known as Griffiths School 2.  In 1982, the school was closed, and the students transferred to Moulmein Primary School.  Griffiths School was re-established as Griffiths Primary School in Tampines in 1988.

Contact Us

Address : 3 Tampines Street 22 Singapore 529366
Telephone : 6783 0427
Fax : 6784 5293
Email : angsana_pri@moe.edu.sg


Nearest MRT Station : Tampines MRT Station (EW2)
  : Simei MRT Station (EW3)


Bus Services: 
SBS 8, 17, 18, 20, 28, 34, 39, 59, 292, 518 (Express)


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