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食       品

pasta                             意大利面
noodles                           面条,挂面
macaroni                          通心粉
milk                              牛奶
milk powder                       奶粉
cheese                            奶酪
rice                              大米
flour                             面粉
canned foods                      罐装食品
sausage                           香肠、腊肠
monosodium glutamate              味精

dried legumes                     干菜
chips                             炸薯条,炸土豆片(美作:French fries)
mashed potatoes                   马铃薯泥
pasta                             面条
noodles                           面条,挂面
macaroni                          通心粉
spaghetti                         意大利式细面条
broth                             肉汤
milk                              牛奶
cheese                            奶酪
butter                            奶油
bread                             面包
toast                             吐司面包
slice of bred                     面包片
crust                             面包皮
crumb                             面包心
egg                               蛋
boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs     水煮蛋
hard-boiled eggs                  煮硬了的蛋
fried eggs                        煎蛋
poached eggs                      荷包蛋
scrambled eggs                    炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋
omelet                            煎蛋卷
pastry                            糕点
sponge cake                       奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕
tart                              果焰糕点
biscuits                          (英)饼干,(美)小面包
fruit                             水果
ice cream                         冰激凌
compote , preserves               蜜饯
jam                               果酱
marmalade                         桔子酱
spices                            调料
salt                              盐
vinegar                           醋
sauce                             酱油
oil                               油
salad oil                         色拉油
pepper                            胡椒
mustard                           芥末
clove                             丁香
fennel                            茴香
aniseed                           八角

 FISH                            鱼
crab                             螃蟹                            
shrimp                           小虾
prawn                            对虾、明虾、大虾
lobster                          龙虾
squid                            鱿鱼
cuttlefish                       墨鱼、乌贼
octopus                          章鱼
hairtail                         带鱼



 woolen blanket                  薄呢毯
 quilt cover                     棉被
 bed sheet                       被单
 pillow inlet                    枕芯
 pillow case                     枕头套
 bath towel                      浴巾
 towel                           毛巾
 electric iron                   熨斗
 work suit, overall              工作服
 leather shoes, safety shoes     皮鞋
 cotton wadded overcoat          棉袄
 rain coat                       雨衣
 rain boot                       雨鞋
 warm overcoat                   保暖外套
 sleevelet, oversleeve           袖套 
 apron                           围裙
 respirator                      呼吸器
 eradicator                      去污剂  
 cleanser                        清洁剂 
 toilet soap                     香皂
 toilet paper                    卫生纸
 disinfectant fluid              消毒液
 mop                             拖把
 coir broom                      棕扫把
 bamboo broom                    竹扫把
 floor brush                     刷
 toilet brush                    马桶刷
 toilet rubber sucker            马桶胶泵 
 steel wash basin                (钢)盥洗池
 steel cooking pan                钢锅
 vacuum flask                     热火瓶
 stainless steel bucket           不锈钢桶
 cooking shovel                   铲
 cooking ladle                    杓子
 water dipper                     戽斗
 bamboo steamer                   蒸笼
 steel wool                       (刷锅用的)钢丝绒,百洁丝
 porcelain tea pot                瓷茶壶
 electric auto water boiler       电水壶
 tea set                          茶具
 tea cup with lid                 带盖茶杯
 soup bowl                        汤碗
 rice bowl                        饭碗
 dish plate                       盘、碟
 flat plate                       浅碟
 deep plate                       深口碟
 fish plate                       装鱼的碟子
 chopsticks                       筷子
 tooth picks                      牙签
 ash tray                         烟灰缸
 table knife                      餐刀
 table fork                       餐叉
 table spoon                      汤匙
 fruit knife                      水果刀
 goblet                           高脚酒杯 
 champagne glass                  香槟酒杯 
 coffee jug                       咖啡壶
 napkin paper                     纸餐巾   
 chopping knife                   文武刀 
 slicing knife                    片刀 
 bone chopper                     砍骨刀
 potato slicer                    马铃薯切片机
 skin knife                       尖刀 
 beer opener                      开瓶器
 can opener                       开罐器
 organic glass ruler              有机玻璃直尺  

烧饼                         Clay oven rolls  
油条                         Fried bread stick  
韭菜盒                        Fried leek dumplings  
水饺                         Boiled dumplings 
蒸饺                         Steamed dumplings  
馒头                         Steamed buns
割包                         Steamed sandwich 
饭团                         Rice and vegetable roll 
蛋饼                         Egg cakes
皮蛋                         100-year egg
咸鸭蛋                        Salted duck egg
豆浆                         Soybean milk
饭 类
稀饭                         Rice porridge
白饭                         Plain white rice
油饭                         Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭                        Glutinous rice
卤肉饭                        Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭                        Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥                        Sweet potato congee

                   面 类
馄饨面                        Wonton & noodles
刀削面                        Sliced noodles
麻辣面                        Spicy hot noodles
麻酱面                        Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉面                        Duck with noodles
鱔魚面                        Eel noodles
乌龙面                        Seafood noodles
榨菜肉丝面                     Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蛎细面                       Oyster thin noodles
板条                         Flat noodles
米粉                         Rice noodles
炒米粉                        Fried rice noodles
冬粉                         Green bean noodle

                   汤 类
鱼丸汤                        Fish ball soup
貢丸汤                        Meat ball soup
蛋花汤                        Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤                        Clams soup
牡蛎汤                        Oyster soup
紫菜汤                        Seaweed soup
酸辣汤                        Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤                        Wonton soup
猪肠汤                        Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤                        Pork thick soup
鱿鱼汤                        Squid soup
花枝羹                        Squid thick soup


                  甜 点
爱玉                         Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫芦                        Tomatoes on sticks
长寿桃                        Longevity Peaches
芝麻球                        Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花                         Hemp flowers
马蹄酥                        Horse hooves

                    冰 类
绵绵冰                        Mein mein ice
麦角冰                        Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰                        Sweet potato ice
紅豆牛奶冰                      Red bean with milk ice
八宝冰                        Eight treasures ice
豆花                         Tofu pudding

                  果 汁
甘蔗汁                        Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁                        Plum juice
杨桃汁                        Star fruit juice
青草茶                        Herb juice

                  点 心
牡蛎煎                        Oyster omelet
臭豆腐                        Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐                        Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐                       Spicy hot bean curd
虾片                         Prawn cracker
虾球                         Shrimp balls
春卷                         Spring rolls
蛋卷                         Chicken rolls
碗糕                         Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕                       Rice tube pudding
红豆糕                        Red bean cake
绿豆糕                        Bean paste cake
糯米糕                        Glutinous rice cakes
萝卜糕                        Fried white radish patty
芋头糕                        Taro cake
肉圆                         Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶饺                        Pyramid dumplings
肉丸                         Rice-meat dumplings
豆干                         Dried tofu

                    其 他
当归鸭                        Angelica duck
槟榔                         Betel nut
火锅                         Hot pot

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