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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:3628    更新时间:2006/5/12 ]
1、谢谢你 1、Thank you
2、谢谢 2、Thanks
3、非常感谢你。 3、Thank you very much
4、十分感谢你 4、Thank you ever so much
5、多谢 5、Thanks a lot
6、非常感谢你。 6、Many thanks
7、我非常感谢你。。 7、I’m much obliged to you
8、非常感谢你 8、Much obliged
9、你真好。 9、You are very kind
10、你真好。 10、It’s very kind of you
11、你真好 11、It’s good of you
12、谢谢你的帮助(合作、劝告、通知、解释、邀请、热烈欢迎) 12、Thank you for your help(co-operation,advice,informaton,explanation,invitation,warm welcom)
13、不用谢,没关系 13、Not at all
14、不用谢,没关系(欢迎你) 14、You are welcome
15、别客气,不要谢 15、Don’t mention it
16、没什么 16、It’s nothing
17、不要紧 17、Never mind
18、好的 18、With pleasure
19、让我代表全体船员向你表示衷心的感谢 19、Let me express on behalf of the crew our hearth gratitude to you
20、对你的好意我们非常感谢 20、We are very grateful to you for your kindness
21、你想得真周到 21、It’s most thoughtful of you
22、我不知道怎样感谢你才好 22、I don’t know how I can thank you enough
23、我真是非常过意不去。 23、I’m really very much indebted to you
24、没有你的帮助,我真不知道该怎么办 24、I don’t know what I should have done without your help
25、多好啊 25、How nice!
26、我在此逗留期间,对你为我所做的一切,表示感谢 26、Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here
27、麻烦你了。 27、Thanks for the trouble
28、麻烦你为我弄到了票子。 28、Thank you for all the trouble you have taken to get me the tickets.
29、我怕给你添了不少麻烦。 29、I’m afraid I’ve given you a lot of trouble.
30、一点也不麻烦,帮助你,我很高兴 30、No trouble at all. I’m glad to have been of help.
31、帮助你,我总是很高兴的。 31、I am always glad to help you.
32、谢谢你的好意为我花费了那么多时间 32、It was very kind of you to give me so much of your time.
33、你真好,还到码头来接我 33、It was very kind of you to come to meet me at the wharf.
34、我给你们船送此礼物,作为感谢您们友好合作的一点点纪念 34、I would like to present your ship with this gift as a small token of my appreciation for your co-operation.
35、非常感谢你送给我这样好的礼物 35、Thank you very much for the lovely gift. .
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