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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:7963    更新时间:2006/5/12 ]


answer too slow.
nothing to port/starboard
middle two buoys
keep to middle of channel
port a little
port easy       左舵慢
port more
hard a port
port 15 degrees
ease her         回舵
ease the helm    回舵
ease the wheel    回舵
steady as the goes       把定
steady so             把定
steer 120 degrees
heading to the buoy       对准灯浮
keep straight to the lighthouse       对准灯塔
how heading?
are you on your course?
right on the course
Is the rudder answered?
answers back
how is the steering?
no steerage       无舵效 
no steering        无舵效
meet the helm      压舵
check the helm      压舵
what rudder?       舵角几度?
starboard a bit sluggish
alter course to 220
finish with the wheel

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